Friday, April 26, 2013

OpenDaylight SDN on Windows

So following the tutorial from @networkstatic found here: I was able to easily modify the steps and install/build OpenDaylight on Windows.

I used Windows Server 2008 R2 as my base system.
Components added:

Install Git for Windows, I selected the option during install to use the windows command shell for git.

Extract Apache Maven from the zip file. Add the path of the extracted files to the system path so you can call maven from anywhere. Makes life a little easier when you get to the directory inside of the clone source.

Install the JDK/JRE and add an environmental variable: JAVA_HOME and the path to the JDK. Things don't go without it.

Once you have the prerequisites done you can pull down the source from

From a command prompt:

git clone
Next change directories into: controller\opendaylight\distribution\opendaylight\

Run the following command:

mvn clean install

If your path is correct Maven should start going. This is the long part. If you read through Brent's tutorial you can see this step is long and will be a possible trip up. It is possible that something doesn't build right, this is active code being changed by many all the time. 

Once built you can change directories to: target\distribution.opendaylight-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-osgipackage\

As you can see the path is pretty long, but there is a run.bat. Call that file and you can then browse to: http://localhost:8080 , on the machine in which you just built the project.

You can login using username: admin password: admin

And there you have it. 

From there it is up to you. I am still working down this journey as are lots of us. Thanks for following along.